Theme: 'Current Research and New Innovations regarding Palliative Care'

Hospice 2023

Renowned Speakers

Hospice 2023

10th World congress on Hospice and Palliative care during October 16-17, 2023 Bangkok, Thailand. The distinguished conference will move forward on providing an additional layer of support to enhance Quality of Life & Wellness.

Hospice 2023 conference will make the right platform for global networking because it brings together renowned speakers, researchers, business persons across the world to a most enjoyable and memorable scientific event crammed with much enlightening interactive sessions, world class exhibition and poster presentations. Hospice 2023 conference mainly aims in bringing Geriatricians, Gerontologists, Doctors, Professors, Social Workers, Palliative Care Specialists, Nurses, Health Care Administrators, Researchers and Students from round the world under one roof, where they discuss the research, achievements and advancements within the field of Geriatrics and Gerontology. The most objective of Hospice 2023 is to bring a top quality in geriatrics care also as general public to know, empathize and take prompt actions to assist old people across the world.

Scope and importance:

Palliative Care is expertized clinical consideration for patients with authentic sickness. Palliative Care is treatment for treating pulsate or nausea of chemotherapy. This sort of care is pointed on giving comfort from the incidental effects and stress of authentic sickness. It gives lightening from troubling incidental effects like torture, shortcoming, and quickness of breath, ailment, Constipation, loss of desiring, snoozing messes up, and various others. An assessment of 12% of patients that are encountering exceptional torture and affliction in facilities, who are fitting for palliative thought treatment, yet only 30% from them picked to palliative thought organizations. Palliative Care joins seven critical capacities: correspondence, Decision making, the leaders, incidental effect control, significant and mental thought, care of passing on, and co-arrangement or lucidness of care. The central place of Palliative Care is the lightening from incidental effects and working on the Quality of Life.

Target Audience


Track 1: Hospice and Palliative Care

Hospice and Palliative Care is the active, expert and gentle care and support of individuals living with a serious, progressive illness when cure is not expected. This is the holistic in nature – caring for the ‘’whole’’ person and their family. The aims of hospice and palliative care are to support and improve quality of life for those in the last stage of living, and their families. This offers social, emotional and spiritual support to individuals and families through members of an interdisciplinary team including physicians, nurses, social workers, home care nursing, home support, Hospice staff and volunteers, and other disciplines. Palliative care may be offered for people with illnesses, such as like: Cancer, Heart disease, Lung diseases, Kidney failure, DementiaHIV/AIDS, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) etc.

Track 02: Palliative care in Geriatrics

Geriatrics is a specialty that focuses on health care of elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults. There is no set age at which patients may be under the care of a geriatrician or geriatric physician, a physician who specializes in the care of elderly people. Rather, this decision is determined by the individual patient's needs, and the availability of a specialist. Geriatrics differs from standard adult medicine because it focuses on the unique needs of the elderly person. The aged body is different physiologically from the younger adult body, and during old age, the decline of various organ systems becomes manifest. Previous health issues and lifestyle choices produce a different constellation of diseases and symptoms in different people.

Track 03: Palliative Care and End of life Care

Palliative care that improves the quality of life and quality of care for patients with life threatening or life-limiting sickness and their families through the prevention and relief of suffering, communication about goals of care, and early identification and assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.

Track 04: Palliative Care in Symptom Management

Palliative care plays an important role to manage the multiple symptoms commonly experienced by the chronically ill or dying patients remains a primary goal of Palliative care nursing. There are so many ongoing clinical assessment, reassessing pain and medication side effects, developing pain management expertise and advocating for change if the patients does not get relief from the prescribed regimen.

Track 05: Palliative care in Assisted Dying

Palliative care professionals say the problems that lead to supported dying requests can usually be dealt with in ways that do not accelerate death. They promote quality of life and reject the idea of “dying on demand”. Supporters of aided dying argue that palliative care cannot be effective in every case. To them, the important thing is to respect independence and self-determination of choice.

Track 06: Palliative care and Rehabilitation medicine

Palliative care and Rehabilitation medicine share the most common goals. They strive to maximize physical function and emotional well-being to the highest extent possible given the nature of the underlying disease process. Many patients with End-Stage disease experience symptoms and functional losses that diminish their quality of life.

Track 07: Palliative care and Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy practitioners play an important role on palliative and hospice care teams by identifying life roles and activities (“occupations”) that are meaningful to patients and addressing barriers to performing these activities. Unlike other health care providers, they consider both the physical and psychosocial/ behavioral health needs of the patient, focusing on what is most important to him or her to accomplish, the available resources and support systems, and the environments in which the patients want and can participate.

Track 08: Palliative care and Spiritual care

Spiritual care is an essential domain of palliative care, which focuses on the needs of the whole person and their family. Spirituality is a fundamental element of human experience. It includes the character’s search for meaning and determination in life and the experience of the superior. For some people spirituality can be largely faith based, for others it may be their relationship with nature or the profound connections they have with their people. Spirituality may or may not involve devout opinions.

Track 09: Palliative care and Emergency Medicine

Emergency medicine has progressively taken a central role in the early execution of palliative care. Patients with a serious disease are likely to find themselves in an emergency section at some point along their course of illness, and they should expect to receive high-quality palliative care in that setting. Common integration of palliative care into the day-to-day practice of emergency medicine, however, is often exposed by the demands of many competing priorities.

Track 10: Palliative Care Nursing

‘’Nursing is primarily assisting the individual in the performance of those activities contributing to health and its recovery, or to a peaceful death’’ Virginia’s definition of Nursing. The role of Nursing in palliative care is to provide relief for physical symptoms, achieving quality of life, maintaining an independent patient, relief for mental anguish and social isolation, family support, reducing isolation, fear and anxiety and good death or dying well.

Track 11: Pediatric Palliative care

Pediatric Palliative care is specific medical care for children with serious sicknesses. Its attentions on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness’s diagnosis of any kind. The aim is to progress in superiority of life for both the child and the family.

Crew of doctors, nurses and other specialists generally provide the Pediatric Palliative care who works with a child’s other doctors as an additional deposit of support. It is suitable at any age and at any stage of sickness and can be provided laterally with treatment meant to cure.

Track 12: Palliative care in Oncology

Oncology deals to the patient of cancer for medically treatment. The patients suffered so much by the medical treatment from side effects and emotional issues. Palliative care provides professional treatment and provide the treatment against the symptoms, their side effects, and emotional problems. Palliative care pushes upward to provide mentally fit.

Track 13: Palliative Care and Psychiatry

Palliative care psychiatry focuses on the emotional and social issues that arise in someone with an advanced illness, often in someone who is receiving hospice or palliative care (hospice being one end of the palliative care spectrum, which offers enhanced palliative care to patients with a short prognosis).

Track 14: Palliative Care in Pain Management

Palliative care is a special type of medical care that focuses on treatment of symptoms people may have when they are living with a chronic (longstanding) illness, such as cancer or heart failure. It is often compared to the hospice care that is offered to terminally ill people. In palliative care, the goal is to provide the best quality of life possible even if someone is not terminally ill.

Track 15: Palliative Care and Health Issues

Palliative care can address a broad range of issues, integrating an individual’s specific needs into care. The physical and emotional effects of cancer and its treatment may be very different from person to person. For example, differences in age, cultural background, or support systems may result in very different palliative care needs.

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Target Audience & Conference Opportunities:

For Researchers and Faculty Members:

Speaker Presentations
Poster Display
Symposium hosting (4-5 member team)
Workshop organizing

For Universities, Associations & Societies:         

Association Partnering
Collaboration proposals
Academic Partnering
Group Participation

For Students and Research Scholars:    

Poster Competition (Winner will get Best Poster Award)
Young Researcher Forum (YRF Award to the best presenter)
Student Attendee
Group registrations

For Business Delegates:

Speaker Presentations
Symposium hosting
Book Launch event
Networking opportunities
Audience participation

For Product Manufacturers:

Exhibitor and Vendor booths
Sponsorships opportunities
Product launch
Workshop organizing
Scientific Partnering
Marketing and Networking with clients

Hospices provide palliative, rather than curative, care to terminally ill patients and their families. This often involves an interdisciplinary approach, encompassing medical, psychological, and spiritual care. Over 90% of hospice care is based in the home, the place where most patients say they prefer to die. The main focus is on keeping the patient comfortable and free of pain, as well as making sure that any advance directives or other final wishes are followed.

The average interval between admission into a hospice program and death is about two months, although some patients utilize hospice services for six months or more. About half of all hospice patients die from cancer, however, heart disease, dementia, lung disease, kidney disease and liver disease also account for a large proportion of mortalities. This is a shift from the early 1990s, when more than 75% of hospice residents were admitted with terminal cancers, and reflects increasing acceptance of hospice services for a broader range of conditions.

Conference Highlights

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 16-17, 2023
Sponsors & Exhibitors Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Speaker Opportunity Closed
Poster Opportunity Closed Click Here to View