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Sven Jennessen

Sven Jennessen

Humboldt Universität Berlin, Germany

Title: Quality Advancement of Children's and Youth Hospice Work in Germany with QuinK 


Biography: Sven Jennessen


In Germany, Children and youth hospice work is a very dynamic field which, during the last 25 years,they as continued to establish, develop and professionalize itself  in the German hospice and palliative movement. Since 2015, impulses for quality advancement are given by the “Qualitätsindex  für  Kinder‐  und  Jugendhospitzarbeit”  (Quink), a nonstandardized questionnaire tool which was developed by a research team in cooperation with the deutsche Hospiz- und PaliativVerband e. V. (DHPV). The track gives an overview of the current situation of children and youth hospice work in Germany and introduces Quink as an innovative, reflexive quality management tool.