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Division of Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology , King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital ,Thailand

Title: The Improvement of preparing good death in end of life cancer patients with palliative performance scale ≤ 30%




Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in Thailand. The estimated numbers of cancer deaths is 60,000 per year, since 2008 and trends  creasing in each year (Ministry of public Health, Thailand 2016)
The mortality of cancer patients with palliative care in IPD ward of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology unit King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital was 54 cases in 2016-2017. There
were 59.26 percent  of all 32 cases prepared for good death process in the other hand 22 cases were incompleted process due to family understanding and co-operation, which translates to 40.74 percent  of all . The process of preparing for good death includes the palliative performance scale assessment, especially in patients with PPS ≤ 30% ,Nursing process , Symptoms management ,spiritual support ,family conference and nursing records. Therefore our performance Improvement group decided to develop the guide line for improvement the preparation of good death which consists of the process as following were created evaluation form for assessment of preparing for good death in end of life cancer patients with palliative performance scale ≤ 30%
 We implemented the guideline in 37 cases with the end of life cancer patients during march - June 2017
Tthe results revealed that 4 patients were incompleted the process, 33 case were completed preparation of good death, which person died on his own terms ,free from suffering in a supported of family and humanized care setting. which translates to 89.19 percent of all patients.